Sunday, October 14, 2007

Crumbs From the Rich Man's Table

Greetings and Blessings,

The Bible tells us that Lazarus "desired" to receive the crumbs that fell from the rich man's table. While my family hasn't gone on vacation in the last six years, I felt a lttle guilty as I was sitting in my office this morning while my wife was doing the final packing for a trip to the mountains. And I had some thoughts occur to me as I sat looking around at the children's books and the little pairs of shoes waiting to be sent to Kenya.

It occurred to me they are literal crumbs from the tables of "rich men." Rich by the standards of the rest of the world. We feel that we are doing a good deed when donate items to Goodwill or The Salvation Army, - and we are. At least those who value these items can buy them at reduced prices and the funds provide jobs for others. - But are we doing enough?

As you read the next post, please consider helping us with the shipping cost of sending this precious cargo to Kenya. We will find and purchase the items, prepare the Customs documents, and ship them. If you could help us with some of the shipping costs, it would be most appreciated. Let's see that "Lazarus" doesn't just "desire" the crumbs from our tables, but that he actually gets some!



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